Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Lee Iacocca, Captain Gopinath, Jeff Bezos and Tony Hsieh - Various times in my life - Books

These 4 gentlemen and their books had Shaped - Shaping - will continue to Shape my Life.

I always keep going to these books at regular intervals to LEARN

I strongly believe that the books will choose it's reader at the correct point in time of his/her life to help you, guide you and keeping you away from any negative thoughts or depression.

The various stages at which the books introduced itself.

Late 1990's - Lee Iacocca 

Early 2010's - Simplyfly - Captain Gopinath - Deccan Airways

Mid 2010's - The Everything Store - Jeff Bezos -

Late 2010's - Delivering Happiness - Tony Hsieh -

Though these are very important books, also have close-to-heart-books.

Will list them in my other posts.

PS: Completed marathon reading of Simplyfly, this past weekend.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

"Because they need to pay salary" - But guys, i also need to get my salary, right.

A #Satire, #dryhumor .... yes, it is really DRY, literally and figuratively

"Because they need to pay salary" - But guys, i also need to get paid to pay you, right.

1) #TNEB bills us wrong, raised a complaint on 4th June, almost 40 days, no response but reminder email for pending payment. After all #tneblooting is true it seems. - Because they need to pay salary,right.

#TNEB responded promptly to Actor Prasanna's tweet the same day, but for a #CommonMan like us, we need to wait for eternity - but we need up or else 😒"Fuse will be gone"😐.

Yeppa " erkanave Corona andha velayadhan pakudhu.. neengalum ma" ( That's "Already Corona is doing that job, guys, you also, why man why show some sympathy... IN TAMIL)

2) Schools are asking for #schoolfees to be paid - Because they need to pay salary, right.

3) #mobilebills - due dates and reminders - Because they need to pay salary, right.

4) #Broadband - due dates and reminders - because you need it, as you are WTF ..sorry...... sorry its WFH.. 😕" SPELLING MISTAKE 😕- Kindly adjust- Because they need to pay salary, right.

5) It's only #moratorium with interest on interest getting added - If we ask, why they can't extend the overall period by 6 months - the answer is "It's a policy decision,sir" - "You know, they need to pay salary", right.

6) Petrol and Diesel rates are increasing for the past couple of weeks now - Because they need to pay salary, right.

7) Vegetables and other essentials prices are rising - If we ask why? - the answer is, "you know the situation, sir, it is difficult to get stocks and commodities and also manpower and hence the rise sir" - Because they need to pay salary, right.

8) All insurance policies to be renewed at the same rate and with no further deferment in time - Because they need to pay salary, right.

Though, I want to say,

"Dear All - If I am to pay you, then I NEED TO GET MY SALARY, RIGHT", which i did not get for the past 6 months, right" 😎😷

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Sun - Series 1 - Summer is the only season for 12 months in Tamilnadu during which it might rain...

Sun - Always fascinates me - Either as a Subject in itself or because of the light it gives at different time of the same day creating the surreal lighting conditions and also the lack of it giving altogether a different different view for the same subject.

By the way there is only one season in Tamilnadu - SUMMER, through out the year for all 12 months... and during that summer season we might get RAIN and at some times a cool climate.

What - through out the year for all 12 months 😱  - is there any difference or does any year have 13 months? Just emphasizing and trying to gain --- Sympathy or Empathy??? 😖.. Hey... am confused... 

Just go ahead and enjoy the various hues of the SUN and don'f forget to leave your comments, Please

Here are few, taken at various locations - seasons - various time of the day.

Morning Sun - Playing Hide and Seek - Mahabs

Sun-Set - From one of my highway travels

A burning field but sun in the back-drop

For the uninitiated, the field was burnt by the farmer only. This is a regular activity after a harvest season. Not an accident.

Pigeon in the foreground - atop a building in Karaikudi

Now moving from being "As hot as Sun"  - 😉 - To Sun in Rainy Season..