Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Lee Iacocca, Captain Gopinath, Jeff Bezos and Tony Hsieh - Various times in my life - Books

These 4 gentlemen and their books had Shaped - Shaping - will continue to Shape my Life.

I always keep going to these books at regular intervals to LEARN

I strongly believe that the books will choose it's reader at the correct point in time of his/her life to help you, guide you and keeping you away from any negative thoughts or depression.

The various stages at which the books introduced itself.

Late 1990's - Lee Iacocca 

Early 2010's - Simplyfly - Captain Gopinath - Deccan Airways

Mid 2010's - The Everything Store - Jeff Bezos -

Late 2010's - Delivering Happiness - Tony Hsieh -

Though these are very important books, also have close-to-heart-books.

Will list them in my other posts.

PS: Completed marathon reading of Simplyfly, this past weekend.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

"Because they need to pay salary" - But guys, i also need to get my salary, right.

A #Satire, #dryhumor .... yes, it is really DRY, literally and figuratively

"Because they need to pay salary" - But guys, i also need to get paid to pay you, right.

1) #TNEB bills us wrong, raised a complaint on 4th June, almost 40 days, no response but reminder email for pending payment. After all #tneblooting is true it seems. - Because they need to pay salary,right.

#TNEB responded promptly to Actor Prasanna's tweet the same day, but for a #CommonMan like us, we need to wait for eternity - but we need up or else 😒"Fuse will be gone"😐.

Yeppa " erkanave Corona andha velayadhan pakudhu.. neengalum ma" ( That's "Already Corona is doing that job, guys, you also, why man why show some sympathy... IN TAMIL)

2) Schools are asking for #schoolfees to be paid - Because they need to pay salary, right.

3) #mobilebills - due dates and reminders - Because they need to pay salary, right.

4) #Broadband - due dates and reminders - because you need it, as you are WTF ..sorry...... sorry its WFH.. 😕" SPELLING MISTAKE 😕- Kindly adjust- Because they need to pay salary, right.

5) It's only #moratorium with interest on interest getting added - If we ask, why they can't extend the overall period by 6 months - the answer is "It's a policy decision,sir" - "You know, they need to pay salary", right.

6) Petrol and Diesel rates are increasing for the past couple of weeks now - Because they need to pay salary, right.

7) Vegetables and other essentials prices are rising - If we ask why? - the answer is, "you know the situation, sir, it is difficult to get stocks and commodities and also manpower and hence the rise sir" - Because they need to pay salary, right.

8) All insurance policies to be renewed at the same rate and with no further deferment in time - Because they need to pay salary, right.

Though, I want to say,

"Dear All - If I am to pay you, then I NEED TO GET MY SALARY, RIGHT", which i did not get for the past 6 months, right" 😎😷

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Sun - Series 1 - Summer is the only season for 12 months in Tamilnadu during which it might rain...

Sun - Always fascinates me - Either as a Subject in itself or because of the light it gives at different time of the same day creating the surreal lighting conditions and also the lack of it giving altogether a different different view for the same subject.

By the way there is only one season in Tamilnadu - SUMMER, through out the year for all 12 months... and during that summer season we might get RAIN and at some times a cool climate.

What - through out the year for all 12 months 😱  - is there any difference or does any year have 13 months? Just emphasizing and trying to gain --- Sympathy or Empathy??? 😖.. Hey... am confused... 

Just go ahead and enjoy the various hues of the SUN and don'f forget to leave your comments, Please

Here are few, taken at various locations - seasons - various time of the day.

Morning Sun - Playing Hide and Seek - Mahabs

Sun-Set - From one of my highway travels

A burning field but sun in the back-drop

For the uninitiated, the field was burnt by the farmer only. This is a regular activity after a harvest season. Not an accident.

Pigeon in the foreground - atop a building in Karaikudi

Now moving from being "As hot as Sun"  - 😉 - To Sun in Rainy Season..

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sun Set at Alampara Fort - Fort Series 1

Am trying something new... well.. rather old... rather the new normal...

Write-up Comedy -1

Click here to know what is Write-up Comedy.

Alampara Fort by evening.

On one of the many trips down the ECR to Pondicherry....

Immediately my friend asked "Machan, Why many trips to Pondicherry?".. As if he don't know..

Those who know... know... those who don't know.. Let Peace Prevail on them 😎...

Photos for you:

Alampara - Fort. Hide and Seek with the Sun

So coming back, on one of the many trips to Pondy, yeah, we affectionately call it as Pondy.. The way we call Mahabalipuram as Mahabs, there was this board, indicating the route to Alampara Fort.

Don't know how i missed that board on my several trips and hence we decided to take the detour to Alampara.

Alampara Fort - Setting Sun is always a Joy for me.

Once you travel 91.2 Kms from Thiruvanmiyur RTO office towards Pondy, there will be a small board on your left, yes, if you travel beyond 91.2 KMS, you are certain to miss that board.😉.

Take the left and travel another 4 kms in the country road, in between there will be a small bridge over the Buckhingham Canal, please do drive through and continue on the same road.

Alampara Fort by Evening

You will arrive at the destination " On your Straight"... Hangover from Google Maps Navigation voice over. Kindly adjust. 😊.

We reached this "Oh once so Great and not at all place now".

Very nice place for taking photos and spend some solitary time seeing the Sea.

If you are traveling by the day, please do carry enough water, eateries, wear a cap or carry an umbrella.

If you are traveling by the evening, pls leave that place by 7Pm. 

My Companion 1 for the evening

Companions 2 for the evening

Companions 3 for the evening

Few more shots, before we wind up for the day..

But i sincerely left that place with a heavy heart...

You know why??? If so, please let me know as i DON'T KNOW WHY 😇

Like Stand-up Comedy.... Trying my hands, literally, in Write-Up Comedy - There is a Cow...

Yes, this is not new, but like the word which is in-vogue now, "The New Normal".. am trying to give this a try... What " Trying to give this a try ah??"..

Machan.... "YOU HAVE IT IN YOU DA..." "You Can do it"....

Thanks Nanba.... 

Am a big fan of Yogi and the Baggy, the Stand-up Comedians from Tamilnadu.

"Yogi is Alexander Babu and Baggy is...... Baggy"....

So here's what am trying to create...

How to write in such a fashion, so that, the readers can enjoy as if this is a "Stand-up .... Write-Up Comedy..

My friend told me... need to ask them, first... "Pls imagine me standing there with a mike in my hand." 

Super idea... Then machan...

 " Ahan... yellame naanga solluvoma.. neeyum konjum yosi... Machi".. 

(That's... You expect everything to be told, use your brain in tamil.... Doesn't it look like a Management Jargon...😈)

"Romba Thanks Machi".

Will start off with something like this and will try to improve along the way..

May be use more emojis or memes in the write-up, 😮emphaaaaaassssssiiiiizzzzing 😮certain words..

Yes I just tried to Emphasize ---- the word Emphasize..😁.

Sample as below:

My reference point is the many travels i did .. Pre Google Maps Era..

If we ask someone how to go to a place while traveling in the Highways, the erstwhile Google Maps.... Am referring to the people to whom we ask the Direction... 😂..

If it is near, then they will say ----- Neraaa poonga (Go straight in Tamil)

If it long, then it is ------ Neeraaaaaa Poonga

If it is too long.... "Yeah, you guys guessed it correctly" ----  Neeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaa Ponga

No emphasizing on "ponga" (Go in Tamil) only on "Nera"(Straight in Tamil)

Hence "Readers, PLEASE DIGEST"... Please.... No reference to that book which we all grew up reading..

Sample as below:

On one of the many trips down the ECR to Pondicherry....

Immediately my friend asked "Machan, Why many trips to Pondicherry?".. As if he don't know..

Those who know... know... those who don't know.. Let Peace Prevail on them 😎...

So coming back ------

On one of the many trips to Pondy, yeah, we affectionately call it as Pondy ----- 

The way we call Mahabalipuram as Mahabs,

Boopathi as Bunny

Sriram as Sri

Vijay as Vijay only ("Dei.. adhukku mela short panna mudiyadhu da" - Tamil for -You can't shorten this any more)

Yathindhar as Yathin

Seethapathi as Sunny ( As in SUN - SUNNY )😇... Got you... Dirty Minds....

there is this board, indicating the route to Alampara Fort.

Once you travel 91.2 Kms from Thiruvanmiyur RTO office towards Pondy,

Yes exactly 91.2 kms not a meter more or less, failing which you will miss the left turn.

So, when you there, "Turn Left,,,, Turn Left,,, Turn Left....)

That beautiful voice from GMaps..

Ada Okay ma... 

Will turn ma... 

Yes ma... taking the turn ma... 

please wait ma... There is a Cow in the middle of the road ma...

So, the fact gets established here again, if a LADY is talking.... IT's ALWAYS ONE WAY.. Until you OBLIGE and do as you were told.. Yeah... Universal Truth... Even if it is DIGITAL...

You will arrive at the destination " On your Straight"... Hangover from Google Maps Navigation voice over. Kindly adjust. 😊.

PS: The reason for me to use smileys, is just to give the readers, what's going on in my mind, while writing this. More like Stand-up Comedy.. This is "Write - Hence Read - up Comedy"

Saturday, June 27, 2020

48 hours: Chennai - All Navagraha Temples around Kumbakonam - Chennai - With Family

So, this happened during March 2018 - 2 years now.

On a Thursday morning, my wife asked me

 "Ram, why can't we go visit all the Navagraha temples, starting tomorrow, early morning and be back to Chennai on Sunday Night".

Though i was delighted internally, as Riding and Driving are 2 of my 4 favorite past times. In fact, had an idea to sign up with Ola or Uber for a day as driver, just to get that experience. Still having.. let's see.

So coming back, i said "Yes ma, we can do that, but cannot start by Friday Morning, rather by 4:30 that evening, so that the children can finish their schools and we can start off" as if they are preparing for IAS and IPS.

PS: 2 years before, my elder was in her 3rd std and my younger was in her Play School.

My wife as shrewd as any women, realized that it's not the school but my office commitments. She left it at that.

The Techie in me, NOT THE KIND OF TECHIE WHO CODES, BUT THE KIND OF TECHIE WHO USES SPREADSHEETS, 😁, opened the MS Excel and created the following.

The following table might be handy for anyone who plans a similar trip, once we are out of this lock down.

One main thing to note is, all these temples are closed from 12 noon to 4pm and during weekends, they are open up till 12:30. Hence if you are planning your travel during the weekdays, please be wary of this.

Plan A:

Always have a Plan B.😆

Location and the respective Graha:

Decided to go with Plan B which was more comfortable, considering this being a family trip.
On the Day 0 night, according to plan B, we stayed at Chidhambaram. Booked ourselves at Hotel Saradharam. Booked the same through

Not so good rooms, after talking to Goibibo, we got a decent enough room. Thanks to them.

For bachelors and group of friends, this might still suit up, but certainly not for a family.

The car parking is spacious.

Old Hotel and it was showing in the rooms. Don't know how it is now, whether they had refurbished it or not.

But one thing, THE FOOD there at Saradharam is really GOOD. Will vouch for it. Again all these are 2 years before.

Would suggest Hotel Vandaiyar which is just opposite to this hotel is good.. Really Good. Would certainly suggest that, as i stayed there as well in another trip and that's for another blog.

Both Vandaiyar and Saradharam are in walking distance from the bus stand

So, we went as per our Plan B and reached Kumbakonam. Here had booked myself at Hotel Poppy's SET through only.

Here one thing about Poppys SET is that, we accidentally found that hotel way back in 2013-14 and they were new at that time. Just opened. From then on, if it is Kumbakonam then it is Poppys SET only for many friends circle.

Good Place and with a Spaaaaacccciooooussss  Car Parking. Yes, its's that spacious. HUGE. We had lunch there itself. Good Food. They had closed their restaurant in later part of 2018, don't know whether it is open now. Please do check for yourself. Good Food, again.

Finished our remaining temples for the day and crashed for the night.

We started as per plan, 7am the next morning. Thanks to the kids, the co-operated well.

Had our break-fast at Balaji Bhavan. It used to be a small joint and with in 3 years, it became a boutique hotel now in the name of Vainav.

This is how it was:

and this is how it is now:

Wishing them Very Best to scale great heights.

Both Poppys SET and Vainav are in walking distance from the Kumbakonam Bus Stand.

So, we finished off the remaining temples and had reached Sri Krishna Vilas, Chidhambaram for lunch.

Please DO NOT miss this place for breakfast or lunch. Delicious Food.

Again, this was a small joint, when i used to visit Chidhambaram in the 2013-14 types and slowly it has morphed into a A/C Restaurant.

One thing which i noticed in several of my travels in the past several years, is that, somewhere between 2013 to 2018 there seems to be lot of people travelling which led many hotel establishments to develop multi-fold in those 4 to 5 years.

So after our almost 48 hours journey, we made it back to Chennai.

It was little over 48 hours.

Hope this might help people while they plan their travel in the coming days and which i WISH to happen ASAP.

For any further details regarding the trip plan, hotels, food joints in this stretch, please do ping me back. Happy to help.

The route map:

Day 1:

Day 2:

Friday, July 14, 2017

தேன் வந்து பாயுது காதினிலே - GST

(This is not to hurt anyone but happened to me. Hence thought of sharing my experience with fellow "Common Men and Women")

There is a reason for me to keep the title as "தேன் வந்து பாயுது காதினிலே" and the same is revealed at the end of this post. 

Had tried my level best to keep the post humorous mixing it with our apathy and with liberal puns but without any want of hurting anyone. 

                 "Humour is the best medicine and i need it all"

This happened few days before GST launch.

A friend and I were watching TV and all channels were telecasting various details about the proposed GST.

In all naïveté, I asked my friend: Machan, இந்த GSTkku ஏன் திடீர்னு இவ்ளோ மதிப்பு?

My friend: Looked at me puzzled and confused - both at the same time.

Me: GSTna "Grand Southern Trunk" road தானே. "அதான் regulara "Toll Rate" increase பன்றாங்களே இப்போ என்னவாம்", என்றேன். ரெண்டு வருஷத்துக்கு முன்னாடி Rs.35/-  இருந்த செங்கல்பேட் Toll இன்னிக்கி Rs.55/- ஆயிடுச்சே.... 

My friend: ரொம்ப கேவலமான ஒரு looka விட்டு , மச்சி GSTna Goods and Services Tax என்று சொல்லிவிட்டு என்னமோ "Newton's 4th Law" கண்டுபிடிச்ச மாதிரி பீல் பண்ணான்.

Me: Decided to watch and observe closely on this GST phenomenon from that day.

There were paper adverts placed by the Central Government mentioning, these many items do not fall under any tax, "X" number of items will fall under or equal to 12% bracket and ONLY "Y" number of items will fall in the 18% and above bucket.

Wow.... "this is great" was my immediate feeling and went to bed on 30th June night.

GST was launched on the midnight of 30th June 2017 in the Parliament.

I woke up and things were normal.

Sun rose in the east and was shining. The crow was cawing as usual. Life was usual

                                                           until I.....

Went to the usual Super Market for the monthly grocery purchase. It's a regular monthly list and hence i remember the monthly billing and also as i pay only through credit card, it was available in my email box.

But when the bill came, it was higher than the monthly average by some 12.5%. i was puzzled.

The counter lady realised my confusion and told me, "Sir, GST add ஆகியிருக்கு அதான்"...

My face is so transparent it seems, she easily gauged my feeling. 😃.

I asked her, how did you find that out, she replied, "Sir, from the morning this is what is happening with almost all the customers."

I realised:

                          "நான் தனியா இல்ல ஒரு கூட்டமே feel பண்ணி இருக்கு".

Paid and then went out to take my 2 wheeler from the road side parking, the token attendant came running towards me.

I felt, "வண்டிய park பண்ணும்போது எங்க இருக்காங்கன்னே தெரியல ஆனா எடுக்கும்போது எப்பிடியோ வந்துறாங்க"... and took out the Rs.10/- and gave him.

He thanked me and turned around to go away, i called him out and asked "தம்பி Token".

Chandramukhi Rajini sir மாதிரி 3 times திரும்பினான், அதுவும் , slow motionla.

எனக்கு கொஞ்சம் பயமாதான் இருந்தது ஆனா வெளிய காட்டிக்கல.

He uttered something under his breathe... I can realise those were "Un-Parliamentary" words but he gave me the token. As generally all "Common Man" does, i took the token from him, without any protest, silently moved out from that place before things go further south.

All i asked was for the legitimate token for which i paid the money also.

Then went to the usual hotel in Pondy Bazaar and sat in the usual table and ordered the usual cup of Filter Coffee. 

(எப்பா எத்தன "usual" ஒரு sentencela. Usualvala நான் இவ்ளோ usual use பண்ண மாட்டேன். ஹி.. ஹி.. ஹி.. )

When the bill came, it was again higher than the last time, i looked up at the waiter.. he nodded...understood the puzzled look in my face and said that magic word

                                                  "GST.. SAAR"

I also nodded back, took the bill to the counter..paid the bill...

The waiter followed me and stood next to me, expecting a tip. But with a straight face, i told him...

"Sorry தம்பி.. GST and already my monthly budget exceeded by 12.5% ".

He was confused on me mentioning 12.5%, but you guys know that, anyways.

He also uttered something under his breathe... I can realise those were "Un-Parliamentary" words but like all "Common Man" I silently moved out that place before things go further south. All i said was my apathy as to why i was unable to TIP him, but in return it was earful for me .... what to do... way of life...

                                               Waiter's Loss.... GST's Gain

Came out of the hotel and started riding, but my mind was pre-occupied with what happened in the last 45 minutes or so - from the billing counter of the super market to the billing counter in the hotel.

1)12.5% increase in the monthly budget

2) Not given the Rs.10 token and when asked for, you all know what happened

3) Price increase of the "USUAL" Filter Coffee 

4) and listening to all those unparliamentary words.

and in this process, forgot to wear my helmet and the Traffic Policeman near the Pondy Bazaar signal promptly stopped me and fined me with Rs.100/-

I asked him: "Sir இது with GSTயா இல்ல without GSTயா?

The Policeman first thought am kidding him, but after seeing my face, he recognised/realised that i was not joking (I assume - அவரும் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர் போல)

ரொம்ப ஆறுதலாக அவர் சொன்னார் : "தம்பி இதுக்கெல்லாம் இன்னும் GST வரலப்பா"...

Me: Sir... "இன்னு ஒரு முறை சொல்லுங்க" என்றேன் ரகத்தோடு....

Policeman: "தம்பி இதுக்கெல்லாம் இன்னும் GST வரலப்பா"...

என் காதுல அந்த வார்த்தைகள் ரீங்காரம் இட்டன...

Echo effect inside my ear was and is as below....

"தம்பி இதுக்கெல்லாம் இன்னும் GST வரலப்பா"
           "இதுக்கெல்லாம் இன்னும் GST வரலப்பா"
                                         "இன்னும் GST வரலப்பா"

                                                         "GST வரலப்பா"




                      இந்த "GST இல்லப்பான்னு" அந்த Police man சொன்னதுதான்
                                                "தேன் வந்து பாயுது காதினிலே"

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Chennai to Karaikal to Vedaranyam to Kodiyakarai to Avudaiyarkoil to Karaikudi to Chennai

Sriram : "சார்ர்ர்ர்ர்ர்ர், சார்ர்ர்ர்ர்ர்ர்......"

Sundar and Vijay were busy doing NOTHING..... 😂, even then also, they did not respond and hence

Again, Sriram: "ஐயாஅஅஅ..."

Sundar responded now by saying: "போய்ட்ட அப்புறம் வாப்பா....."

கடுப்பான Sriram: "யோவ்வ்வ்வ்வ் Sundar...."

Sundar : "எங்கேயோ கேட்ட குரல்" என்று திரும்பி பார்த்து, "Sriram, வாங்க வாங்க" என்றார்..

அது வரை ஒண்ணுமே செய்யாம BUSYaa இருந்த Vijayum "வாங்க வாங்க" என்றார்.

Sriram to Sundar: அது நான்னு தெரிந்தும் தானே அப்படி Sonnenga....

Sundar: Che che... Ana Sundaraoda Mind Voice ----- "கண்டுபிடிச்சுடரே மனுஷன்"

Sriram: "Sari Vidunga... என்ன வர sonnenga??"

Sundar: Base Voicela " போலாமா"?

Sriram: "போய்ட்டு வாங்க. அதுக்கு என்னை ஏன் கூப்பிடறீங்க?"

Sundar: "Adhu illa Saar," என்று கூறி மறுபடியும் Base Voicela " போலாமா"? என்றார்...

Sriram: "Yenna Polama?!?!"

Sundar: "Trip polama?"

Vijay: "Yenna Trip polama?"

Sundar: மீசைய முறுக்கிக்கிட்டு, அவ்வளவு பெரிய கண்ணாடி போட்டிருந்தும், கண்ணாடிக்கும் புருவத்திற்கும் உள்ள gap வழியா Vijayabalanai பார்த்தார் ----- Sorry ---- முறைத்தார்.

புரிந்து கொண்டVijay: "இல்ல இப்பதான ரெண்டு மாசத்துக்கு முன்னாடி போனோம். அதான் கேட்டான்" என்றார்.

அதற்கு Sundar: "மாசம்னு பார்த்த ரெண்டு தான் ஆனா நாள்னு பார்த்தா அறுபது ஆச்சே" என்று சொல்லி கையை கட்டி வானம் பார்த்தார். 

Pant shirt போட்ட கவிஞர் வைரமுத்து போல இருந்தார் namma allu. 

ஆனா Vairamuthu கொஞ்சம் heightuu... Namma allu... சரி அத விடுங்க....

Sriram: Vairamuthu Sira பார்த்த பாதிப்பிலிருந்து இன்னும் வெளிய வராம Karaikal and Karaikudiku   போலாம்ன்னு சொல்ல்றதுக்கு பதிலா "கள்ளிக்காட்டுku" போலாம் என்றேன்... 

This is how one of our weekend trip to Karaikal, Vedaranyam, Kodiyakarai and Karaikudi started. 

Will come back and update further details on this trip. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Navagraha Temples in TamilNadu - Where or which are the temples for the remaining 4 Planets?

Did a Navagraha trip with few friends of mine. To be exact, it was 4 of us.

We started off on a Friday evening (around 2PM) and reached Chennai by Sunday Night (around 10PM). We drove down and yes, we did this trip in exactly 2 days.

Which route we took, how was the travel and where we stayed and above all what we discussed and researched are for a separate blog in itself, but this is to get a clarity for myself on the following and in-turn help us in arriving at a clarity or further help for us to research more in this line of thought.

We all know Navagraha translates as Nine Planets and those Nine Planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto with Sun as the center pivot around which all these rotates and revolves.

And we all also know that Moon, as Wikipedia says, is in synchronous rotation with Earth and it is the only Natural Satellite of Earth. This rules out the possibility of Moon being a planet.

We also know that Rahu and Kethu, as our Grandmother's tale has to say, are considered as two giant snakes which are responsible for the eclipses that occur. Science says, these eclipses occur because of the positioning and movement of Earth, Moon and Sun.

Now coming back to my doubt, the Navagraha temples in TamilNadu are as listed below:

Had associated the temples and planets with them for ease of reference:

  1. Sooriyanar Temple (Sun - Not a Planet) 
  2. Thingaloor              (Moon - Not a Planet)
  3. Vaidheeswaran Koil (Chevvai - Associated to Planet Mars)
  4. Thiruvengadu           (Bhudhan - Associated to Planet Mercury)
  5. Alangudi                 (Guru Bhagavan - Associated to Planet Jupiter)
  6. Kanchanoor             ( Sukran - Associated to Planet Venus)
  7. Thirunallaru           ( Sani Bhagavan - Associated to Planet Saturn)
  8. Thirunageswaram   ( Raghu Sthalam - No Planet can be associated)
  9. Keezhaperumpallam ( Kethu Sthalam - No Planet can be associated)
Out of the nine temples, Sun and Moon cannot be considered as Planets. 

There is no temple for the Planet Earth in this Navagraha Circuit and it leaves us with the remaining 8 planets to do the math as below.

Rahu and Kethu, as being said, are responsible for Eclipses and as stated above, the eclipses occur because of Earth, Moon and Sun's positions and no other Planets are involved in this except for Earth and in turn for Earth, there is no temple in this Navagraha Temple circuit.

This essentially rules out Sun, Moon, Raghu and Kethu from the Navagraha Temples along with Earth.

So if we remove these 4 temples from this circuit that leaves us with only 5 temples. 

Am able to associate 5 planets namely Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in that order.

So which or where are the temples for the remaining 4 planets including PLANET EARTH?!

Need help and inputs, please.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 1.5 - Karuvurar, Rajaraja Cholan, Panchavanma Devi, Kundhavai Nachiyaar, Vallavarayan Vandhiyathevan and Rajendra Cholan

Day 1 - rather Day.5 as the entire trip was planed for 2.5 days only, referring to day 1 as day.5

After picking up Vijay from his residence, we hit the NH45  from and our journey starts officially from here.

The first break we took was after crossing Vandalur for Lunch, normally if am travelling in the NH45, would adjust my timing so as i reach Hotel Santhi for food, this is a small - de-glamorized road side eat out which can be reached once you cross Chengalpet bye pass and the over bridge across the River Palar - yes you are right,  you need to cross the BEER FACTORY :) . This joint would be on your right near the HP petrrol bunk where the road splits into 2 - one-way.

2 cooks, one from Devakottai and another from Kottaiyur near Karaikudi give their best. But this time, it was home made lunch for us cooked by Suresh's mother - Puliyodharai or Puliyogare - in which ever way you want to call it, but it was heavenly food.. Thanks Suresh.

Then to further appetite ourself, we stopped at one of the Kumbakonam Coffee outlet, don't know which one is original as all are calling themselves as "Original Kumbakonam Degree Coffee" had Coffee with Ooty Varki and then back again to the highway.

Raja sir and A.R. Rahman were with us throughout the journey in the form of CD and Pen drive.

We reached Perambalur and took the left diversion to Ariyalur for our night's stay. We reached Ariyalur by around 8:30 pm and straight went to the "Kothandaramaswamy Temple" for a nice darshan and then to Yathin's home for a superb coffee and a meemorable Bonda.. Superb Bonda by Yathin's mom, that taste is still lingering in my mouth.

Had our lunch at Hotel Maruti and then reached our Hotel A.S. Comforts for the night's stay. Decent place but with road side car park only.

Day 1 :
Kothandaramaswamy Temple - Sundar woke at 5 in the morning - Yes - 5 in the midnight to visit the temple and i had no other choice but to wake up ad reach the temple, so, after diwali, this is the second time in the same year, i woke at 5:30 in the morning, had my bath and hit the temple. Details about this temple is available here but the very important thing is the 10 pillars which has the Dasavatharam sculpted in it and specifically the Narasimha Avathar with Hiranyakashipu in his lap. Fingers are made visible from beneath the skin.. This is a WOW scripture and a miniature is of this is also available in the same temple, just opposite to this pillar. DON'T miss the finer details.

Outside the Famous Kothandaramaswamy Temple at Ariyalur

That's Yathin in Red, Me in Blue

Coffee with Yathin at his residence along with Sundar

After having a  superb coffee at Yathin's place, we started of from Ariyalur to Gangaikonda Cholapuram, but Yathin and Sundar had different plans and officially kidnapped me, Suresh and Vijay to one another temple in the pretext of directing me to Gangaikonda Cholapuram.

When i had an inkling of doubt on the direction, Yathin with a broad smile told me yes, we are slightly diverting to another near by temple by name Kaliyughavaradharaja Perumal at Kallangkurichi. This place is exactly 5 kms from Ariyalur Bus Stand and you would cross the TANCEM - Tamilnadu Cements factory. This temple has its own history and the same is shared in the form of paintings. Samples below :

There is also a deer park and a peacock cage available there :

After spending sometime here, we then headed out to Gangaikonda Cholapuram.

From here the trip changes course to HISTORY.

Click here for Day .5