Friday, March 23, 2012

Karaikudi - On a Rainy Day

This blog in continuation to my earlier blog on"Karaikudi" and that too on a rainy day.. 

During this visit to Karaikudi, it was raining and it was raining cats and dogs. Fortunate for me to be there on that day in Karaikudi.The rain gave me a different view and a new information on the Kanadukathan town.Even though, the rain water  is flooding the streets of Kanadukathan, but it seems that the water will not stagnate as it happens in major cities rather would flow down to the nearest rain water drainage.This town is designed and the streets are built accordingly.That's a WoWWWW..

Another view of the running rain water through the streets of Kanadukathan, Karaikudi. This was shot from inside my vehicle with windows rolled up.

This is another photo of the same shot as above expect the focus is on the rain drops on my window glass 

"Oh!Come on...Goes my business for the day because of this rain"...seems to me as if the shop owner is thinking so - in one of the streets in Kanadukathan,Karaikudi.

Place-Just outside the Chettinad Palace at Kanadukathan,Karaikudi
"Oh!Come ooonnnn man...Let it rain or shine...I will ensure that i earn my bread for  me and my family" ..Seems to me that should be running through this hard worker's mind..In contrary to the above photo. A Very Positive Photo.
Place - A temple water tank opp. to the Chettinad Palace,Kanadukathan,Karaikudi. After the heavy down pour, it was  just drizzling and with the heavy wind, was feeling very cold and almost shivering for me.

Place - Opp. to the Chettinad Palace,Kanadukathan,Karaikudi.Finally, the rain god took some rest and allowing the Sun God to come out ..The first rays of Sun and the clearing clouds.. 

Karaikudi is one place which continues to mesmerize me..Will be back with more photos and information..


Hariharan Valady said...

Beautiful photographs...especially the one where the worker is riding a bicycle...

Ramakant Pradhan said...

Nice pictures along with the commentary.

Sriram J said...

Thanks Mr.Valady and Mr.Pradhan for your comments..